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Notary Glen Burnie


Notary Glen Burnie

When signing an official document, it is often necessary to have the signature overseen by a notary public in Glen Burnie, MD. Do not sign the document before meeting with the notary. At the meeting, the notary checks the identification of everyone signing the document then watches to make sure the document is signed. This ensures the correct people are signing the document and helps prevent documents from being signed under duress or by someone who doesn’t understand why they’re signing this. Notaries can oversee signatures on a wide variety of official documents, including the following. 

I-9 Verification Forms

Employers must verify that anyone they hire can legally work in the United States. To do this, potential employees will need to fill out an I-9 verification form. This may or may not need to be notarized. If the employer requests notarization, working with a mobile notary makes this easy, as the employee can meet with the notary at any time to have the form notarized. 

Name Changes

Parents wishing to change the name of their child will need to have the signature of both parents on the form for it to be allowed. Parents can opt to change their child’s first or last name or fix any mistakes on the child’s birth certificate. This prevents one parent from changing the name without the other’s consent. To ensure this is correctly done, check if both parents signed the form and check if it needs to be notarized. 

Covid Exemption Forms

More places are requiring Covid vaccinations. There are exemptions when it is required to be vaccinated or show proof of vaccination. Someone who would like to be exempt will need to fill out the request form and notarize it. It is crucial to make sure the form is filled out completely and accurately before being notarized to reduce the chance of the exemption being denied. 


Affidavits are written documents where the writer swears that the information contained in the document is true and accurate to their knowledge. These documents can be used in civil or criminal cases and can provide additional information that a judge uses to determine the case's outcome. When an affidavit is needed for any case, it does need to be notarized. This helps show that it was not signed under duress and that the correct person signed it.

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  • Power of Attorney

    A power of attorney can be obtained to provide a family member or close friend with the power to handle certain aspects of a person’s life. For example, if a person cannot manage their own finances anymore and would like help, they can get a power of attorney to allow someone else to make decisions on their behalf. Before being submitted, the forms needed for a power of attorney do need to be notarized by a notary public in Glen Burnie, MD

    General – A general power of attorney provides the named person with specific authority to handle tasks on behalf of their loved one or friend. These can be broad, giving the named person a significant amount of power to handle everyday affairs, or narrow, specifying the tasks that it covers. They can be indefinite or limited in time. 

    Financial – These are like a general power of attorney but more limited in scope. A financial power of attorney specifically allows for finances to be handled by the named person. These can be indefinite or for a limited period, as well. 

  • Living Wills

    Living wills provide directions for medical providers on how to handle specific situations that could happen. These typically are written well ahead of when they might be needed and can be used if the person cannot make their own medical decisions. When a living will is written, it is good to have it notarized so the medical providers know it is a legitimate document and what the person desires for their care. 

  • Prenuptial Agreements

    Prenuptial agreements state what will happen if the couple ends up divorcing. They’re often used to protect assets purchased before the marriage and may be used to determine what happens if the marriage ends for specific reasons. Though they do not need to be notarized, it is still a good idea. Notarization helps prove the document is legitimate if it ends up being used in a divorce. 

  • Marriage Documents

    To be legally married, the couple must sign the wedding certificate. This needs to be signed in front of a notary as well as witnesses. If this is not done, the court will not accept the certificate, which means the couple will not be legally married. This does not need to be done before, during, or after the wedding but can be done whenever the couple prefers. 

  • Divorce Papers

    During a divorce, many documents will need to be shared between both parties. Often, these documents will need to be notarized to make sure the correct person signs them. These documents can include any agreements between the spouses to handle parts of the divorce or affidavits. A notary public Glen Burnie, MD, can oversee the signing of the documents and notarize them before they’re used in court. 

    Notarizing documents provides authenticity and can help ensure that the documents are appropriately signed. Though documents can be legally binding without being notarized, it is a good idea to have it done so there are no questions later as to who signed the paperwork. When a document does need to be notarized, residents can work with a mobile notary in Glen Burnie, MD. This allows them to schedule the time to have the document notarized when it’s most convenient and help ensure they don’t have to drive across town to get help. Talk to a mobile notary now to learn more about the documents they can notarize or set up an appointment.

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